Stim Bullitt Civic Courage Scholarship

High School
High School Senior

Scholarship Description

The Stim Bullitt Civic Courage Scholarship is an opportunity for local students to write essays about an individual or group of individuals from Washington State who have demonstrated civic courage on an issue of importance to the community at great personal, political, or professional risk.

Applicant Requirements
To qualify to submit an essay, you must:

- Reside, attend school, or work in Seattle.
- Be 13 years of age or older.
- Have a Seattle Public Library card.
- Be a current high school senior or undergraduate enrolled or planning to enroll at a post-secondary school that accepts Federal Student Aid (FSA).

In your essay be sure to:

Provide a persuasive case as to how the individual or group you have selected has embodied or demonstrated civic courage.
Define civic courage in order to make your argument.

First Place: $5,000 scholarship
Runners-up: Two $2,500 scholarships

High School
High School Senior

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