The Divorce Stigma Scholarship

High School Senior
Grad School

Scholarship Description

Through our experience, our attorneys see first hand how divorce can actually leave families happier and lead to positive lives post-divorce. The Atlanta Divorce Law Group is proud to hold The Divorce Stigma Scholarship, for another year, to hear students share their experience with divorce and how it differed from the negative stigma that surrounds divorce today. Share your story with us and explain how a divorce experience of a close friend or family member had positive effects on those involved.

The eligibility requirements for The Divorce Stigma Scholarship are as follows:

Applicants must be currently enrolled or about to attend an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program within the United States
Applicants must have a minimum current GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
The applicant must write a 750-word essay explaining how a divorce experience produced a positive outcome for those involved.
High School Senior
Grad School

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